Downs Baptist Church Woodingdean

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Baptism Service – Sunday, 22nd September, 2024

It was such a joy to witness the baptisms of three of our dear friends, Bob Leaver, Ruth Sherman and Sylvia Crompton.

Our Moderator, Bryan Pickard gave a brief explanation of what was about to happen before conducting the baptisms and then brought a timely word from 1 John 1 v 5 – 2 v 11. To listen to this message, head to: Sermons

All three participants told their story of how they came to faith and the recordings are below.




Lord, we thank you for the precious gift of baptism and that Sylvia, Ruth and Bob have been able to publicly declare their love for you.  Lord, we ask that you would bless them abundantly. We pray that you would work deeply within their hearts and souls to renew and refresh them each day. Guide their footsteps and give them a hope and a vision for the future. Father, cover and protect them now, encircle them with your promises and fill their hearts with joy. May this day be one they cherish and remember forever! Amen.

Thursday Fellowship – Beverley McArdle

We welcomed Beverley McArdle who is the leader of the Care Homes team at Brighton & Hove City Mission.

Beverley has been leading a series over the past 6 months on Psalm 23, focusing on a verse a month. Beverley felt led to share some of the thoughts that had impacted her during that time.

We commenced by reading the Psalm all together in the old King James Version which is the one that is most memorable to older people who have been brought up with reading scripture. It was a truly beautiful moment – there is power in speaking out God’s Word especially all together! It seemed to personalise the truths written by David the psalmist and brought hope, confidence, peace and refreshment to the soul. Have you tried reading from the Bible out aloud? Why not start with Psalm 23 and allow God to speak to you?

Verse 1. Do you know God as your Shepherd?

Verse 2. Do you know that He desires to lead you into green pastures and provide you with rest and all that you need? Trust Him!

Verse 3. His work is perfect and He longs to restore us. In Him we are new creations!

Verse 4. He will protect us, strengthen us and uphold us and will not leave us nor forsake us whatever life throws at us!

Verse 5. He lavishly spreads a table before us.  Sin and death are defeated and we can look forward to a new life with Him in eternity.

Verse 6. We are offered a perfect dwelling place with Jesus.  In God’s house there are many rooms and He has gone to prepare a place for us – a better place – an eternal home – guaranteed!

May this beautiful Psalm touch you as you read it and may you know His comfort, His presence and His peace today and in the days ahead.


Thursday Fellowship – Sue Cunningham

Sue led our meeting this afternoon and was also our speaker!

We were asked the question, “How adaptable are you?” Sometimes, God blocks our plans.  Are we happy to say goodbye to them and allow God to have His way? 

Isaiah 55 v 8-9 says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

It is important to be ready and prepared for the Lord’s prompting because He has a plan far greater for us and any plans we might have.

Sue shared two examples of this:

  • When Paul and his co-workers planned to continue church planting in Asia,  God gave Paul a vision to go to Macedonia in Europe (Acts 16 v 9-10). As a result of this, they left immediately which was a very important decision.
  • In Philippi, Paul and his companions had planned to go outside the city to the river where they expected to find a place of prayer but met a group of women. This would have been culturally unacceptable yet Paul stopped and shared the gospel with them (Acts 16 v 13-15) – another very important decision. As a result of this meeting planned by God, Lydia, a prominent business woman, became a key part of the young Philippian church.

If Paul hadn’t have been ready to change his plans in obedience to God’s call on his life, there may never have been a Philippian church. Are we as adaptable as that? Definitely food for thought!

Thursday Fellowship – Phil Cook

We welcomed Phil Cook, an old friend, back to Thursday Fellowship to kick-off our autumn session.

Phil’s message to us was, “Let’s be salty Christians!”

We spent some time thinking about what salt does:

  • It seasons and acts as an appetiser, making things more tasty!
  • It heals and cleanses.
  • It stops decay, preserving things and preventing things going bad.

Phil brought along a hymn he wrote in 2005 based on Matthew 5 v 13-14 which can be sung to the tune “Tallarn Green” 11 11 11 11 metre (Immortal, Invisible, God only wise.) It communicates so well what Phil wanted to share with us and with his permission we have reproduced the words for your contemplation.

Words copyright – 1st October, 2005 – Rev Philip Cook
Tune Copyright – 24th May, 2002  – Rev Philip Cook

The salt of the earth so the Christian must be
To appetize others, for Christ they must see.
Let none lose their savour to flavour with joy,
Attracting the lost to the Saviour’s employ.

Yes, salt is an agent to cleanse and to heal
Where germs and infection are seen to reveal
The need for such tending the sinner’s deep wound
That purity, wholeness, may truly abound.

The Christian is salt ‘gainst all moral decay
To live for the truth in Christ Jesus the Way
God’s holy commands and His Word to bring nigh,
A goodly, salt influence so to apply.

So, Christian be salt and so help purify,
That standards and morals may always be high;
Bring flavour and cleansing, preventing decay,
“For Christian you’re salt” so Christ Jesus did say.

The light of the world so the Christian must be
Reflecting the Light of the Saviour to see.
Dispelling the night and releasing from fear
The sinner, convicted, in faith to draw near.

We finished by singing the hymn and if you know that tune, you might like to do that yourself!

Wednesday Prayers

Jane leads our online Prayers this month and carries on from where Gareth left off last month with a focus on Joshua 1 v 9 and Philippians 4 v 4-7.

Pete Millis – Baptism

What a joy it was to witness the baptism of Pete Millis at Rottingdean Beach on Sunday, 18th August, 2024.

I do hope you are all able to access the video below:

Wednesday Prayers

Gareth leads our monthly online prayer time this month focusing on Joshua 1 v 6-7 and Philippians 4 v 6.

Baptism or Christianity Explored

If anyone is interested in exploring the possibility of being baptised, either in the sea or alternatively in a local heated swimming pool/baptismal pool, please do speak to one of the Church leaders.

They would also like to hear from anyone who might be interested in participating in a Christianity Explored course. Please be assured that there will not be any pressure or commitment made by making an enquiry.

You can also fill in our contact form by clicking on the link below should you wish to know more:

Contact Us

Thursday Fellowship – Anniversary

We met for our final session of the season on Thursday, 27th June.

We were delighted to welcome an old friend Linn Davies, who sang a medley of songs and explained why they were important to her. Particularly poignant was the last song, which she had written herself at a significantly life-changing time in her career.

We then enjoyed a traditional cream tea which was appreciated by us all.

Thursday Fellowship takes a summer break until September, but we have the opportunity to get together during the summer months at various coffee mornings. Please do look out for upcoming dates on the News page and in the events calendar down the side.

See you in September! Usual time, usual place!

Service on the Beach – Sunday, 23rd June

A small group decamped to Rottingdean beach near to Molly’s café for a short Beach Service instead of our usual meeting place at Woodingdean CP School. 

This year, it was felt better to conduct the service at the top of the beach rather than clambering down the pebbles to the waters edge!

It is always good to have Chris Roche from Union Church, Heathfield with us.  What a lovely sunny day for it!

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