Our last meeting of the Autumn session saw 26 people including 9 guests join us for our annual Carols, Candles and Cake service. We welcomed back our friend Phil Cook to bring us a festive message to prepare our hearts as we celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.
We so enjoyed singing the beautiful carols and listening to readings and poems as detailed below:

Phil started his message by wishing us all a Merry Christmas! But what does this mean? It is quite an old fashioned term and most people tend to use Happy Christmas these days. The word merry really means good, glad, rejoice and be of good courage not meaning being full of anything else like the feasting, fun and frolicking often associated with this time of year!
There seems to be little cause for rejoicing with the ills, trials and adversity that so many people face. Yet, the real meaning of Christmas lies in the true celebration of Christ’s birth. His coming to earth as our glorious King is a merry and illustrious occasion! Even the angels took part in this merriment – “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2 v 10-11).
Let’s rejoice this Christmastime – we are the recipients of the greatest gift possible. Jesus, who came as a baby all those years ago is the Saviour of the World.
We then enjoyed tea and cake and the opportunity to share fellowship. Grateful thanks go to our hard-working committee for ensuring everything runs so smoothly each week and a special thank you to Lis for the wonderful Christmas cake so nicely packaged for each of us to take a piece home.
We take a break for the winter and will reconvene at 2pm on Thursday, 6th March, but there is an opportunity for a winter coffee morning at Faith’s home on Thursday, 13th February at 10.30am.
Have a wonderful Christmas and all good wishes for the New year.