Downs Baptist Church Woodingdean

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Thursday Fellowship – Our Choices

We had an in-house afternoon at Thursday Fellowship this week entitled, ‘Our Choices’. 15 members gathered and it was an opportunity for many of us to bring favourite hymns, poems and thoughts – what a lovely afternoon and what glorious sunshine and warmth for this time of year!

Faith started the meeting reading from Romans 12 v 1-2 and then brought some thoughts from Frances Ridley Havergal from a recent Our Daily Bread devotional. Frances, who was particularly affected by loneliness from the age of 11 came to know that with Jesus she was never alone.  As we offer ourselves to Him, our lives are transformed into His likeness. Faith chose Frances’ most famous hymn, Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord to Thee.  Interestingly, this was June’s choice of hymn too.  June loves the words – they mean so much!

Maria read ‘God’s Grandeur’, a poem written by the 19th Century poet and Jesuit priest, Gerard Manley Hopkins. One poignant line says this, “And for all this, nature is never spent; there lives the dearest freshness deep down things;”

Wendy brought a selection of lovely thoughts and a beautiful poem written to remember our dear friend, Yvonne Waller.

  • People will never forget how you made them feel!
  • A smile is a most wondrous thing! If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!
  • Regarding a smile, “Let’s start an epidemic quick and get the world infected.” (Attributed to the late Spike Milligan).

Sylvia chose, Blessed Assurance , Jesus is mine because it cheers you up!

Sue read a beautiful song called Above all powers, above all kings written by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche with the wonderful chorus:

Crucified, laid behind the stone;
You lived to die, rejected and alone;
Like a rose trampled on the ground,
You took the fall and thought of me,
Above all. 

We sang, Father I place into your hands which holds a very special place in Kath’s heart particularly the line about placing into God’s hands the things that trouble me!

Jane told her story of how she came to faith and left us all with a challenge: Do you have a story to tell? Have you got your story straight? Are you willing to share it?

To finish our meeting, we sang O the deep, deep love of Jesus written by Samuel T Francis.  This hymn came about when the author, a young man at the time, was standing on a bridge overlooking the river Thames contemplating taking his own life. He had a spiritual awakening and went on to write many more hymns and poems.

October online Prayer Together

Gareth leads this month’s prayer opportunity. Please click on the link below to access the video on FaceBook:

Verse of the week

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

1 John 3 v 1 (NIV)

Our Father says, “I rejoice over you with singing. You are my treasured possession. Delight in me, I am for you.  I don’t count your sins. My Son’s death is the ultimate expression of my love for you.”

The verse of the week is inspired by the teaching the previous Sunday and normally you can to listen to a recording of the message at

but this week the recording was marred by severe interference – our sincere apologies!

Thursday Fellowship – Claire Withams

We welcomed Claire Withams to our meeting today to tell us a little about her fascinating work as a Hospital Chaplain.

The main task of a chaplain in the hospital is to provide spiritual care to patients. The aim is to come in with an open heart to sit and connect with people who may be going through tough times — regardless of their religious beliefs. But so often there is an opportunity to share something of God’s love and to give out a New Testament or leave some in the chapel or on the notice board. (They are quickly taken!)

Isaiah 40 v 1 – Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

Claire likened her work to going out into the world to the forgotten and dark corners to bring a glimmer of light, comforting presence, peace and a measure of calm. It isn’t any easy role and Claire recognised how important the Holy Spirit is as well as the need to be an empty vessel for God to work through. The encounters with people in their time of need are such a blessing.

Claire chose the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4 as her passage and posed the question, “Where can you find the ‘wells’ in your difficult and dark places?”

Claire’s favourite Bible verse is Deuteronomy 31 v 8 – The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (NIV).

“As we walk forward with faith, His presence upholds us.” This was so evident as Claire was speaking to us, so was her love, care and concern for all the people she comes into contact with on a daily basis.

Claire’s choice of song to finish with was – I the Lord of sea and sky (Daniel L Schutte © 1991 New Dawn Music) – with the wonderful chorus:

Here I am, Lord
It is I, Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go, Lord,
If You lead me;
I will hold Your people in my heart.

Talking Jesus Event – 1st February, 2025

We have received details from our friend, David Wise from Shoreham Baptist Church regarding an event he is running on Saturday, 1st February next year.

It is an event which will encourage and equip you to share your faith more effectively.

Interested? Click on the poster below for further details.

Martine Johnson – Art work

Martine Johnson, a member of our congregation, is in the process of making some cards to sell in our shop.

We thought you might like to see a couple of her paintings: The first one is called Faceless Angel and the second one, Spiritual Warfare.


Kenya update – October 2024

Our friend Daniel Gitau has rung the UK to ask for prayer.

There are many pressures and unsettling things happening in the political sphere that are making Daniel’s position difficult and causing upset in the country. (e.g. Anti-government demonstrations calling for President William Ruto’s resignation and the dissolution of parliament, among other demands.  Also, Daniel tells us that doctors are on strike because they are not being paid).

Please do continue to uplift our friends in Kenya to our Heavenly Father on a regular basis. We know that prayer changes things.

Baptism Service – Sunday, 22nd September, 2024

It was such a joy to witness the baptisms of three of our dear friends, Bob Leaver, Ruth Sherman and Sylvia Crompton.

Our Moderator, Bryan Pickard gave a brief explanation of what was about to happen before conducting the baptisms and then brought a timely word from 1 John 1 v 5 – 2 v 11. To listen to this message, head to: Sermons

All three participants told their story of how they came to faith and the recordings are below.




Lord, we thank you for the precious gift of baptism and that Sylvia, Ruth and Bob have been able to publicly declare their love for you.  Lord, we ask that you would bless them abundantly. We pray that you would work deeply within their hearts and souls to renew and refresh them each day. Guide their footsteps and give them a hope and a vision for the future. Father, cover and protect them now, encircle them with your promises and fill their hearts with joy. May this day be one they cherish and remember forever! Amen.

Wednesday Prayers

Margaret leads our online prayers for September.

Thursday Fellowship’s Autumn Programme

Thursday Fellowship commenced its autumn session on 5th September with a visit by Phil Cook!

Please do consider joining us at 2pm in the Parish Room of the Holy Cross Church unless stated – we can assure you of a warm welcome! 

5th September – Phil Cook

12th September – Sue Cunningham

19th September – Beverley McArdle (BHCM Care Homes)

26th September – Graham Dawson

3rd October – Connie Croly

10th October – Claire Withams (Hospital & Ambulance Chaplaincy)

17th October – Members’ meeting

24th October – Jane Leaver

31st October – Malcolm Haines

7th November – Books Alive

14th November – Sue Cunningham

21st November – TBA

28th November – Roger Case, Rosemary & Tom Batts (Seaford Baptist Church)

5th December – Ann Dracott

12th December – Carols, Candles & Cake

For further information head to the following link:- Thursday Fellowship


Baptism or Christianity Explored

If anyone is interested in exploring the possibility of being baptised, either in the sea or alternatively in a local heated swimming pool/baptismal pool, please do speak to one of the Church leaders.

They would also like to hear from anyone who might be interested in participating in a Christianity Explored course. Please be assured that there will not be any pressure or commitment made by making an enquiry.

You can also fill in our contact form by clicking on the link below should you wish to know more:

Contact Us

DBC’s vision and Purpose

To know God and to make Him known


Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14 v 6


Jesus said: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10 v 27

Thursday Fellowship – Connie Croly

Our speaker this week was Connie Croly, who always brings an interesting and thought-provoking message!

Today was no exception when Connie posed the question, “Are you still alive?” Are we moving on with the Lord as individuals and are the churches we attend moving on too?

We have been set apart to follow Jesus wherever He leads.  How much is Jesus seen in us by others? We need to let the beauty of Jesus shine forth. Is God perhaps saying things to us in these days?  Our reputations are not enough!  Is the Holy Spirit evident in our lives and are we people seeking to further God’s Kingdom? We need to trust Him and to abandon ourselves to God remembering that whom God calls, He equips. He will strengthen us and give us all we need to accomplish His will. He is working His purposes out. We may have plans, but are we ready to change these plans? Our God is a God of surprises. Is this God’s moment for you?!

We have a choice and have been given free will to follow Him and do things His way. This is always the best course of action. We are privileged people so let’s be reckless in His service.  Let’s give God what is right, not what is left! God does not always call the qualified but He does qualify the called! So let’s follow our God – all is possible and nothing is too difficult for Him.

We sang one of Connie’s favourite hymns to close our service written by John E Bode (1816-74):

O Jesus, I have promised
To serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou for ever near me’
My Master and my Friend;
I shall not fear the battle
If Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
If Thou wilt be my Guide.

Thursday Fellowship – Graham Dawson

We welcomed back Graham Dawson to our meeting who brought a very pertinent and thought-provoking message from Exodus 33 v 7-11 focusing on verse 11a, “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.”

Moses, the man of prayer, would go out to the Tent of Meeting to commune with God.  There was such intimacy – real honesty and heart to heart communication.  Do we yearn for that intimacy with God? Prayer should be at the centre of everything we do!

Jesus said in John 15 v 14, “You are my friends if you do what I command.” Is Jesus your best friend? Friends and particularly best friends, share their life experiences with each other.  There is that closeness, that desire to spend time with each other. How much time do we spend in His presence?

We were reminded of the verse in James 4 v 8, ‘Come or draw near to God and He will come or draw near to you.’ Jesus is always waiting and inviting us to come close or for some, closer.  Do you need to spend more time with Him? Prayer is God’s idea, He initiated it and it is a ‘ritual’ for us to enjoy. Graham said that “Prayer is being unbusy with Jesus!”

Graham challenged us by asking if we really wanted to know Him! We need to practice the presence of God in everyday life even the mundane just like Brother Lawrence the 17th Century French monk.  Open yourself up to more of His presence but beware because the more you get to know God, the more you will want Him!

It was a very blessed afternoon.  The readings, songs, thoughts and Graham’s message dovetailed together so beautifully – The Holy Spirit was definitely at work!  We had an opportunity to be still and to reflect before singing Noel Richard’s song, To be in Your presence, to sit at Your feet, where Your love surrounds me, and makes me complete. This is my desire, O Lord. To rest in Your presence, not rushing away; to cherish each moment, here I would stay.  This is my desire O lord. May that be our heart-felt prayer this week.

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