We welcomed back old friends Keith & Laurel Barnes who have been visiting us for over thirty years!

Laurel read Psalm 139 – a much-loved and beautiful Psalm of David.

Keith reminded us that we all have a past where there will have been significant occasions – some good and some bad, some happy memories, some sad ones and some we would like to forget! But, they are all part of who we are and which help to make us more ‘real’ as people. We are not perfect!

In Psalm 139, David reflects on his life.  He knew that God was familiar with ALL his ways and that he had at times sinned greatly, yet he experienced God’s love and forgiveness. He says in verse 1 – You have  searched me and You know me – even before David was born, God knew him and had ordained all of his days.

Keith challenged us by asking how we respond to this Psalm? God loves us whatever our condition. He understand us, He knows us, He wants to bless us!

Why not pray – Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts; see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting!

We can never say that we have arrived so keep close to Him and allow Him to determine your steps.