What a scorching afternoon it was too! A few decided it was best to stay home because of the heat but 16 of us gathered for a couple of hours of fellowship, refreshments and celebration as it was Sue’s birthday.  Thank you to June for the lovely cake we all enjoyed at the end of our meeting!

Faith led our session and commenced with Psalm 9.  The verses that leapt out were, “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed – You never forget those who seek You.” ( verses 9-10). We have so much to give God thanks for.

We sang:

To God be the glory
Be still and know that I am God
Break thou the bread of life 
Oh my soul, arise and bless your Maker

Faith explained that we would be supporting MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) as our special project for this year and were encouraged to bring along our gifts on Thursday, 21st of September when we welcome Linda Davies to explain about the work. Faith poignantly explained that our gifts which may not seem very much can possibly keep a plane in the air and so save lives! For further details, head to About MAF UK – Mission Aviation Fellowship (maf-uk.org)

We welcomed Phil Cook to kick start our Autumn programme. We always enjoy his ministry!

Phil brought us the story of the Feeding of the 5000 which is so important that it is in all four gospels! Kath read the story from Matthew 14 but reminded us that just before this incredible miracle, Jesus would have been saddend by the death of his cousin, John the Baptist in awful circumstances and withdrew to a solitary place. But, great crowds followed Him.

Phil got us to consider the 4 main people in this event  as recorded by John in his gospel:

Philip – a personal worker who brought others to Jesus. He was a little bit slow on the uptake but had worked out the cost of providing enough food for 5000 men plus women and children and knew it wasn’t possible to feed them all. But, what is impossible to man is not impossible to God.

Andrew – another personal worker who was always bringing people to Jesus and brought his brother Simon Peter. He did what he could do by finding the boy who had a small packed lunch knowing that Jesus could do the rest.

The boy – was willing to give what he had to Jesus –  his small lunch.

Jesus – the Bread of Life was there to provide not just sufficient but a substantial meal to all those present. He acts as a father of the family!  He fed the people, nourished them and satisfied them.  Look at how much was left? The disciples picked up 12 baskets of pieces of fish and bread, not crumbs.

What a miracle! God always gives the increase.  He works above and beyond our expectations.  Let’s celebrate this and thank him for all His goodness to us. Jehovah Jireh – our Provider!

Please do consider joining us on Thursday afternoons at 2pm – The Parish Room of the Holy Cross Church in Warren Road, Woodingdean. We can assure you of a warm welcome.