Thursday Fellowship – John Casse
It was lovely to welcome John back to Thursday Fellowship as our speaker. John’s passage was Mark 1 v 14-20 and his theme – ‘come, follow me!’
God is bringing people to Himself. He did in the past and He is doing so today. Who do you follow? What do you follow? Why do you follow?
In the Bible, Ruth followed Naomi and she is counted in the genealogy of King David and of course Jesus. The wise men followed the star and they met Jesus who was born to be King. Peter followed the angel when in prison to a place of freedom. They all got more than they bargained for when they followed! Psalm 23 tells us that the Lord is our Shepherd. He knows us personally and if we have any sense, we follow because Jesus can provide all that we need and will guide us in the right paths.
John told us some interesting and humorous stories about passports! Did you know that in your passport it states on the inside front cover that the “Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of His Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary?” It does indeed, but, you need to follow instructions. The passport has the promise in it but it doesn’t mean anything by itself. John couldn’t travel unhindered because his passport had expired!
We can follow people on social media, but it doesn’t mean much at all. It is far more important to follow the One who says, “Come, follow Me.”
John challenged us to be a person of action right where we are – to bloom where we are planted. God is not really interested in our ability but in our availability! Be open to His call. Listen. “Come, follow Me!”
John left us with the words of that lovely song from the musical, Godspell – Day by Day, which gives us much food for thought!
To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow The more nearly – day by day.