Thursday Fellowship – Jane Leaver
Jane’s message was all about seasons. Life comes in seasons. Years of fast-paced rushing around can give way to seasons of stillness and rest. Times of desperate need are sometimes followed by refreshing and abundance and vice versa. Some seasons feel dormant and wasted while others can thrill us with fruitfulness and joy. We can all look back on our lives and see many different autumns, winters, springs and summers – the ebb and flow of life!
Jane’s reading was Ecclesiastes 3 v 1-8. There is a natural order to our world and there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Paul said in Philippians 4 v 11-13 that he had learned to be content whatever the circumstances. We must learn how to embrace not just the good things, but also the difficult things and times. You can let bad things destroy you and make you bitter or you can let bad things make you stronger and better!
Jane gave us four tips to help us especially if and when we go through a difficult season:
- Stay humble with a good attitude. Learn to depend on God’s grace – because His grace is sufficient for you. 2 Corinthians 12 v 7-9.
- Don’t rely on your own devices and strength. 2 Corinthians 1 v 8-9. Remember FROG! Fully Rely On God.
- Stand firm and grow through the trial and the tough times and keep praising God. Let it make you a better person and not a bitter one! 1 Peter 1 v 6-7.
- Allow God to teach you and equip you to be a blessing to others. 2 Corinthians 1 v 3-4.
Jane challenged us to think about what season of life we are in right now. What is God doing? What is God preparing us for?
Through every season there is a purpose. Let Jesus be the centre of your life. Trust Him. Shine like a star, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. (Romans 12 v 12 – our text for the year!).
We finished our time together with the chorus – In every circumstance of life by David Fellingham:
In every circumstance of life
You are with me, glorious Father.
And I have put my trust in You,
That I may know the glorious hope
To which I’m called.
And by the power that works in me,
You’ve raised me up and set me free;
And now in every circumstance
I’ll prove Your love without a doubt,
Your joy shall be my strength,
Your joy shall be my strength.