Downs Baptist Church Woodingdean

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Good Friday – Communion Service

Good Friday?  A solemn day but also a day when we are able to celebrate just how much God loved us.

We were able to do this as we gathered together to share breakfast and then reflected on what Jesus’s death meant to each one of us before we partook of the bread and fruit of the vine with glad hearts.

For a flavour of this imitate time together, here is a short clip of the thoughts that Gareth shared:

Sue read a very touching poem which included the words (reflecting on the three people crucified on that first Good Friday) – One lost life, One gained life and One was life!

Gareth asked us to think how this day affects how we live our lives!

“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter 1 v 8-9 (NIV).

So on this Good Friday, let’s rejoice for what Jesus has done for each one of us.  Let’s surrender our lives afresh to serve Him and let’s love each other as Jesus commanded us!

Happy Easter!

Thursday Fellowship – Maundy Thursday

What a beautiful and meaningful Communion service we had today!

For a flavour of our time together, here is the order of service:

Welcome and News
Reading – Philippians 2 v 5-11
Song 120 – The Servant King
Poem – It began with darkness – Gideon Heugh
Song 780 –  How deep the Father’s love
Reading – Isaiah 53 v 1-6
Song 1111 – What kind of love is this?
Reading – Isaiah 53 v 7-12
Song 596 – When I survey the wondrous cross
Song 544 – There is a Redeemer
Poem – The Sacrifice – Hilary Malpass
Closing Prayer and Vesper

Kath led our Communion time and got us to think about the miracles Jesus performed during his three year ministry. We came up with 17 but there are of course lots more!

Kath said that the disciples did not know that this was going to be the Last Supper and that Jesus would suffer an agonising death and rise again. Jesus was preparing them for what was about to happen and He poignantly showed them the full extent of His love by acting as a servant and washing the disciples feet. He also gave them a new commandment – to love one another.

We were seated at tables and one person served the others on their table with bread and the fruit of the vine pronouncing – His body, broken for you.  His blood, poured out for you!

It was a different act of remembrance but one that was well received by the 18 members present and set us up very nicely for our Easter services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Walk of Witness – Palm Sunday

Once again, a good few of us walked from the top of Warren Hill down to the school with Solomon the donkey before our Sunday service.  It was good to welcome back our former pastor and his wife, Malcolm and Dawn Haines. 

Thursday Fellowship – Rosemary Kemp

We welcomed Rosemary Kemp back to our meeting who led us so beautifully in a visual presentation about Passover.

Passover originates from the book of Exodus when God instructed Moses and Aaron and the Israelite people living in Egypt to mark their houses with the blood of a lamb so that the Lord would “pass over” their house and spare their firstborn son. It is a time for reflection, gratitude, and celebration of freedom! 🕊️🍷🍞

God did not intend the Passover as a one-time event, but an annual feast where the Israelites would remember how God had saved them and brought them from darkness to light and from slavery to freedom.

In a very moving afternoon, we were able to partake of the emblems and to learn just what it means to Jewish families and ultimately the link with our communion service, the Last Supper and of course Easter.

Rosemary led us in two songs: Light of the world (you stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes, let me see!) and There is a redeemer (Jesus, God’s own son, precious Lamb of God, Messiah).

A truly memorable afternoon!

Next week – Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 2pm.

Wednesday Prayers – March 2024

Margaret leads our online prayer opportunity for March focusing on Ephesians 2 v 8-9 and Matthew 11 v 29.

Thursday Fellowship – Lorna Sivyour

We welcomed Lorna Sivyour and her violin back to Thursday Fellowship.  Lorna brought a lovely encouraging message about Caleb.

Caleb followed the Lord wholeheartedly and his story is a wonderful testimony to how God uses older people if they are willing to be used.  Caleb said, “So here I am today, 85 years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out (he was 45 then!); I am just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.” God blessed Caleb for his faithfulness and gave him the city of Hebron as his inheritance. He was a man of faith who refused to be discouraged despite adverse circumstances and the “giants” he came up against.

Definitely a lesson for us all!

Lorna then played us 3 pieces of classical music:

Jesu joy of man’s desiring – Bach

Chanson de Matin – Elgar

Carmen – Bizet

Thursday Fellowship is back!

Our new motto for the year is from Matthew 28 v 20 – Jesus said, “And surely I am with you always.”

Thursday Fellowship started again after the winter break and Sue brought along her cat glove puppets, Ginger and Boots. Sue used Boot’s recent ‘knee replacement’ operation to illustrate how the Lord had been with her when she, herself, had had her very painful operation in December.  Sue shared how the Lord had kept her in hospital longer than she expected so that she could encourage the other patients in prayer and with the scriptures.

Using the examples of Joshua, Jehoshaphat and Jesus’s disciples, Sue showed how God had been with them.  Joshua had the terrifying task of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, King Jehoshaphat and his tiny army had to face an enormous army, and the disciples were commissioned with the enormous task of going into the then known world with the Gospel.  In all three cases, God promised that He would be with them.

So, in our lives, whatever we’re doing , wherever we are and whatever we’re facing – however daunting- we can be sure that the Lord is with us. “And Surely I am with you always.” 

What a comforting message to start our new session! We were all given bookmarks to take home as a reminder of our Motto for the year.

If you would like to join us, please do pop along at 2pm on Thursday afternoons to the Parish Room of the Holy Cross Church in the centre of Woodingdean.  We can assure you of a very warm welcome.


Thursday Fellowship – Ann Dracott

We were pleased to welcome back Ann Dracott to our meeting. Ann always takes something very common and practical and brings a Word from the Lord which is not only a personal testimony but also a challenge for us.

This time Ann brought along a favourite saucepan which she had spoiled by being in her words, careless, complacent and negligent! The pan was so badly burned that it took nearly 4 days to completely clean. Ann didn’t want to throw it out as it was part of a set, was old but well used and so very useful.

Ann likened this to the fact that we do mess up in our lives – we make wrong choices, our attitude may not be good at times, we can use careless words, we can become complacent and neglectful.  We may look fine on the outside , but on the inside, well!

Isn’t it wonderful that God in His mercy and faithfulness does not discard us! Like that old saucepan which was part of a set and useful, we are a part of the Body of Christ.  We are all important, we all matter, we all have different gifts and skills and there is something for each of us to do.

Ann highlighted Ephesians 2 v 8-10, focusing on verse 10 which says, “for we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Are you ready to be used by God? Remember, God is faithful and will forgive our mistakes. We were challenged to put ourselves in God’s hands. He forgives and He restores but we were reminded that the process can be painful at times.

Thursday Fellowship – Gillian Clark

Gillian Clark from Books Alive in Hove was our visiting speaker this week.

Once again, Gillian came laden with an array of Christmas cards, wrapping paper, advent calendars and gifts so that we could stock up in preparation for the Christmas season.

Gillian brought a lovely message from Philippians 4 v 10-13 focussing on the second part of verse 12 and verse 13 “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation – I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

That doesn’t mean that we can literally do everything! We need to be aware of God’s call on our lives and the plan He has for us and serve Him wholeheartedly.  We do it all for the Lord out of our love for Him and wanting to please Him in everyway – we don’t need recognition from others! This way we can learn the secret of being content even in the most trying circumstances.

Isn’t it wonderful to know He gives us His strength to accomplish the work He has for each of us!

Gillian then prayed that we would have the discernment to know what God wants us to do and the contentment to follow His way.

Thursday Fellowship – Connie Crowly

On Thursday 9 November we were delighted to welcome Connie Croly, a long-standing friend of Thursday Fellowship.  Connie spoke on the much-loved Psalm 23, and brought fresh insights into this familiar part of the Bible, illustrating her talk with many examples from her own experience.

Psalm 23, as we know, was written by David, the shepherd-king, and his experience of tending his father’s flocks as a boy inspired him to see God as his Shepherd.  Connie reminded us that a good shepherd gives guidance – “He leads me “, protection – “He restores my soul”, healing  -“He anoints my head with oil”, provision – “He prepares a table”.

Jesus is not only our Good Shepherd, He is also the door of the sheep-fold, guarding and protecting us. We can rest safe and secure in his care.

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