Downs Baptist Church Woodingdean

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Thursday Fellowship – Craft with Kath

No speaker this week but possibly the first of many ‘crafty’ afternoons!

Sue led us in a couple of songs – Ah Lord God, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power, followed by All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord. We then listened to the first six verses of Psalm 19 which is always an uplifting passage of scripture.

We were able to reflect on these thoughts as well as enjoying each other’s company as Kath led us in our activity of creating beautiful, colourful ‘stained-glass’ effect windows.

The sun was shining brightly through the window so the effect was impressive!  It was a shame to take them down but a lovely memento of our special time together and the opportunity to take our work home and display in a window.

It was a very calming and therapeutic time and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  Thank you Kath for arranging.

Thursday Fellowship – Linda Davies (MAF)

We welcomed back Linda Davies accompanied by her colleague Roger to tell us more about the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Linda delivered a very informative presentation with lots of photos and included some videos with personal testimony. The Bible passage to accompany the presentation was from Luke 7 v 11-23 – so apt!

Working in partnership with hundreds of other Christian and relief organisations, MAF enables practical help, physical healing and spiritual hope to be delivered to some of the world’s most remote and inaccessible communities. They work in 25 countries, operating 115 planes and serving 1000 destinations. Their pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, surgeons, dentists, vets, missionaries, Bibles, school books, food, medicines – everything that can only be safely and speedily transported by air.

Travel by road is just impractical as road systems are poor and little more than dirt tracks. These can be bumpy and uncomfortable for ill patients or become impassable during the rainy season and stranded trucks are vulnerable to bandits and deterioration of precious supplies.  What would be a 36 hour road trip in some cases can be achieved in a 1 hour flight! 

They believe that every community, however remote, should have the essentials for life and their vision is to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ. They provide access, save lives, transform lives and provide hope for a better future.

If you would like to know more about their work, head to:

Home – Mission Aviation Fellowship (

Prayer Together – May 2024

Jane leads our Prayer Together opportunity for May focusing on Psalm 90, a prayer of Moses, the man of God.

Thursday Fellowship – Wynn Funnell

We welcomed Wynn Funnell to our meeting on a glorious, spring day – it felt like summer!

Wynn reminisced about her earliest memories – memories that made her smile.  Memories are precious aren’t they? For the most part we remember things that bring us joy and make us smile. But at other times, it can be painful and we can feel sad when we think of those whom we loved so much who have died.

Wynn told the story of a dear friend who had written in a book, “till we meet again, I will be thinking of you!”  Sadly they didn’t meet again but Wynn is confident that they will one day in glory and what a reunion that will be!

We were asked to think about our first memory of going to church and how it felt when we experienced God’s presence for the first time – was it wonderful? Was it frightening? We were reminded that God doesn’t force Himself on us but He lifts us from all of our burdens if we let Him. To illustrate this point Wynn read that famous poem ‘Footprints’ attributed to Mary Stevenson, written when she was just 14 years old which depicts a person’s life journey with God. The poem is written as a dream, where the person sees two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to them and one to God. The poem reveals that at the most difficult times of the person’s life, there was only one set of footprints, because God was carrying them. The poem is a message of faith and hope, showing that God is always with us. How comforting is that in the troubled times in which we live!

Thursday Fellowship – Phil Cook

As it was Polling Day, we decamped to Kath’s house for our meeting.  Quite a few members were missing this week due to appointments and illness but we had a super time and it is always a joy to welcome Phil Cook to speak to us.

Phil brought a message entitled, Jesus the Shepherd. His reading was from John 10 v 1-15 which Maria read inadvertently from the AMPC version (The Amplified Bible Classic Edition).  This proved to be inspired as it certainly amplified the meaning and made us all sit up and take note of a different turn of phrase.

The three points to remember are:

Jesus is the Good, Beautiful Shepherd. (John 10 v 11)

Jesus identifies himself as the shepherd of the Old Testament in Psalm 23. He is the only one who is good, winsome, lovely, kind on every level with no blemish or flaw.  He came with authority to give himself freely as a voluntary sacrifice, fulfilling God’s perfect plan of salvation to take the punishment that should have been ours. Death was not His fate – it was His deed! He is the good, beautiful Shepherd.

Jesus is the Great Shepherd. (Hebrews 13 v 20)

The Old Testament Scriptures point to Jesus and were fulfilled in Jesus. Everything in Christ is better – it is always better! God made peace through His precious Son when He raised Him to life.  He is living and able to save and what’s more, He is always praying for us (Hebrews 7 v 25).

Jesus is the Chief Shepherd. (1 Peter 5 v 4)

Hard as it may seem, our faith needs to be tried and tested but be faithful and you will receive a crown of glory.  We shall be like Him and we shall see Him as He is! He will lead us as the Chief Shepherd to living fountains of water.  He is truly the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Just like sheep follow the shepherd and he cares for them, so follow Jesus and let Him care for you and lead you in His paths of righteousness.

Thursday Fellowship – Keith & Laurel Barnes

We welcomed back old friends Keith & Laurel Barnes who have been visiting us for over thirty years!

Laurel read Psalm 139 – a much-loved and beautiful Psalm of David.

Keith reminded us that we all have a past where there will have been significant occasions – some good and some bad, some happy memories, some sad ones and some we would like to forget! But, they are all part of who we are and which help to make us more ‘real’ as people. We are not perfect!

In Psalm 139, David reflects on his life.  He knew that God was familiar with ALL his ways and that he had at times sinned greatly, yet he experienced God’s love and forgiveness. He says in verse 1 – You have  searched me and You know me – even before David was born, God knew him and had ordained all of his days.

Keith challenged us by asking how we respond to this Psalm? God loves us whatever our condition. He understand us, He knows us, He wants to bless us!

Why not pray – Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts; see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting!

We can never say that we have arrived so keep close to Him and allow Him to determine your steps.

Thursday Fellowship – Lynda Hulcoop

What a joy it was to welcome back Lynda Hulcoop! And what an interesting afternoon as Lynda told us her life story relating it to the fact that God weaves His patterns into our lives. Lynda referred to the poem, Life is but a Weaving which has been attributed to Corrie ten Boom:

Lynda testified to her experience of God’s goodness and faithfulness saying that God does not leave anything to chance.  He is the Master planner.  He knows every individual life, their particular pattern which He ordained and their purpose. Nothing that happens to us is ever wasted – God weaves everything together. Isn’t it a good job that we don’t know God’s plans for us? We surely wouldn’t be able to cope! We just need to trust Him step by step, day by day!

Lynda shared the three verses that have meant so much to her over the years:

Proverbs 3 v 5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will direct your paths.

Jeremiah 29 v 11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Matthew 6 v 33 – “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.”

What verses do you hold dear?

Lynda concluded by encouraging us that we may not be able to change the world but we can make the most of every opportunity that comes our way to tell our story – to share with the individual – one at a time!

Wednesday Prayers – April 2024

Gareth leads our prayer time this month and his thoughts are based around Colossians 3 v 12-17.

Thursday Fellowship – John Casse

We welcomed John Casse back to Thursday Fellowship and were delighted that he was able to play the piano in Lis’s absence. Thank you so much John!

John’s talk was in two parts.

Part One: John read the poem Three men, three crosses, one hill – author unknown

Interestingly this was the same poem that Sue read last week and one that she brought to our Good Friday service. It is a poem that has impacted many people since that first reading!

Three men, three crosses, one hill.
One man cursed, one man prayed, one man promised.
One died condemned, one died forgiven, one died innocent.
One died in sin, one died to sin, one died for sin.
One was held by death, one was released by death, one conquered death.
One lost life, one gained life. one was life.
Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice and Praise God we have eternal life!

All three were in one place at the same time but with different outcomes.  Where do we stand? What is the relevance for each of us?

Part two:

John then told us the story of Tobias and Ollie Ham.  Who you might say? Well their son, Mordecai Ham, a travelling evangelist from the age of 9 was used by God to bring Billy Graham to faith! How wonderful that those godly parents planted God’s Word in the hearts of their children – and look at the impact of both Mordecai’s and Billy Graham’s ministries.

We read the story of Saul’s conversion in Acts 9 and how Ananias despite having doubts and fears because of all the terrible things he had heard about him, was used by God to minister to Saul and bring physical and spiritual healing.  Ananias was faithful to God’s call. There was no sense of pride, he approached Saul as a brother and was used mightily to fulfil God’s purposes.

Does this apply to us, John asked?  It does! Are we ready and willing to listen and then respond to God’s call?  We may not see the end result but the important thing is to be obedient and faithful.  Jesus brings life and He uses each one of us with all of our different giftings and abilities. So let’s be ready to serve Him.  We are not a nobody – we are somebody!

Thursday Fellowship – Maeve Whitchurch

We so enjoyed the visit from Maeve who brought a lovely word from Hebrews 11 v 1-3, 39-40.

It is a well known passage of course focusing on those saints of old who were commended for their faith, yet none of them received what was promised as that is to come!

Maeve told us that clutching hold of promises can be hard especially when things go way beyond our experiences. She shared the story of the disciples waiting patiently for the Spirit of Truth who would come to help them after Jesus was taken up to heaven. Their whole world had been turned upside down after Jesus died. How confused, frightened and disappointed they must have been!  Yet Jesus comes to them in their safe space in that upper room and promises them that it will happen –  the Spirit of Truth will come. (He came ten days later at Pentecost). If God promises it then it will happen but sometimes it can take time and we have to wait patiently and have confidence in what we hope for.

Maeve encouraged us to look for rainbow moments in our lives. Sometimes in all of the clutter and chaos they can get lost! Let’s have faith, confidence and hope in what we don’t yet see believing in the One who promised because He is faithful.

We were reminded that we are Kingdom people – citizens of heaven in the here and now.  God lives in us and we can see Him in each other.  Let’s let the Sprit of Truth leak out of us so that this world can be changed by the beauty of God.

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