Thursday Fellowship’s Spring Programme
Thursday Fellowship commenced its spring session on 6th March and our very own Sue Cunningham was our speaker. Sue focused on the verse “Be still and know that I am God” which is our new motto for the rest of the session.
Please do consider joining us at 2pm in the Parish Room of the Holy Cross Church unless stated – we can assure you of a warm welcome!
6th March – Sue Cunningham
13th March – Maeve Whitchurch
20th March – Our choices
27th March – Rosemary Kemp
3rd April – Lorna Sivyour
10th April – Dr Ruth Butlin (Leprosy Mission)
17th April – Maundy Thursday Communion
24th April – Connie Croly
1st May – Jane Leaver
8th May – Keith & Laurel Barnes
15th May – Phil Cook
22nd May – Sue Cunningham
29th May – TBA
5th June – TBA
12th June – TBA
19th June – TBA
26th June – Anniversary Tea
For further information head to the following link:- Thursday Fellowship