Thursday Fellowship commenced its spring session on 6th March and our very own Sue Cunningham was our speaker. Sue focused on the verse “Be still and know that I am God” which is our new motto for the rest of the session.

Please do consider joining us at 2pm in the Parish Room of the Holy Cross Church unless stated – we can assure you of a warm welcome! 

6th March – Sue Cunningham

13th March – Maeve Whitchurch

20th March – Our choices

27th March – Rosemary Kemp

3rd April – Lorna Sivyour

10th April – Dr Ruth Butlin (Leprosy Mission)

17th April – Maundy Thursday Communion

24th April – Connie Croly

1st May – Jane Leaver

8th May – Keith & Laurel Barnes

15th May – Phil Cook

22nd May – Sue Cunningham

29th May – TBA

5th June – TBA

12th June – TBA

19th June – TBA

26th June – Anniversary Tea

For further information head to the following link:- Thursday Fellowship