Our speaker this week was Connie Croly, who always brings an interesting and thought-provoking message!

Today was no exception when Connie posed the question, “Are you still alive?” Are we moving on with the Lord as individuals and are the churches we attend moving on too?

We have been set apart to follow Jesus wherever He leads.  How much is Jesus seen in us by others? We need to let the beauty of Jesus shine forth. Is God perhaps saying things to us in these days?  Our reputations are not enough!  Is the Holy Spirit evident in our lives and are we people seeking to further God’s Kingdom? We need to trust Him and to abandon ourselves to God remembering that whom God calls, He equips. He will strengthen us and give us all we need to accomplish His will. He is working His purposes out. We may have plans, but are we ready to change these plans? Our God is a God of surprises. Is this God’s moment for you?!

We have a choice and have been given free will to follow Him and do things His way. This is always the best course of action. We are privileged people so let’s be reckless in His service.  Let’s give God what is right, not what is left! God does not always call the qualified but He does qualify the called! So let’s follow our God – all is possible and nothing is too difficult for Him.

We sang one of Connie’s favourite hymns to close our service written by John E Bode (1816-74):

O Jesus, I have promised
To serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou for ever near me’
My Master and my Friend;
I shall not fear the battle
If Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
If Thou wilt be my Guide.