We welcomed back Graham Dawson to our meeting who brought a very pertinent and thought-provoking message from Exodus 33 v 7-11 focusing on verse 11a, “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.”

Moses, the man of prayer, would go out to the Tent of Meeting to commune with God.  There was such intimacy – real honesty and heart to heart communication.  Do we yearn for that intimacy with God? Prayer should be at the centre of everything we do!

Jesus said in John 15 v 14, “You are my friends if you do what I command.” Is Jesus your best friend? Friends and particularly best friends, share their life experiences with each other.  There is that closeness, that desire to spend time with each other. How much time do we spend in His presence?

We were reminded of the verse in James 4 v 8, ‘Come or draw near to God and He will come or draw near to you.’ Jesus is always waiting and inviting us to come close or for some, closer.  Do you need to spend more time with Him? Prayer is God’s idea, He initiated it and it is a ‘ritual’ for us to enjoy. Graham said that “Prayer is being unbusy with Jesus!”

Graham challenged us by asking if we really wanted to know Him! We need to practice the presence of God in everyday life even the mundane just like Brother Lawrence the 17th Century French monk.  Open yourself up to more of His presence but beware because the more you get to know God, the more you will want Him!

It was a very blessed afternoon.  The readings, songs, thoughts and Graham’s message dovetailed together so beautifully – The Holy Spirit was definitely at work!  We had an opportunity to be still and to reflect before singing Noel Richard’s song, To be in Your presence, to sit at Your feet, where Your love surrounds me, and makes me complete. This is my desire, O Lord. To rest in Your presence, not rushing away; to cherish each moment, here I would stay.  This is my desire O lord. May that be our heart-felt prayer this week.