We welcomed Beverley McArdle who is the leader of the Care Homes team at Brighton & Hove City Mission.

Beverley has been leading a series over the past 6 months on Psalm 23, focusing on a verse a month. Beverley felt led to share some of the thoughts that had impacted her during that time.

We commenced by reading the Psalm all together in the old King James Version which is the one that is most memorable to older people who have been brought up with reading scripture. It was a truly beautiful moment – there is power in speaking out God’s Word especially all together! It seemed to personalise the truths written by David the psalmist and brought hope, confidence, peace and refreshment to the soul. Have you tried reading from the Bible out aloud? Why not start with Psalm 23 and allow God to speak to you?

Verse 1. Do you know God as your Shepherd?

Verse 2. Do you know that He desires to lead you into green pastures and provide you with rest and all that you need? Trust Him!

Verse 3. His work is perfect and He longs to restore us. In Him we are new creations!

Verse 4. He will protect us, strengthen us and uphold us and will not leave us nor forsake us whatever life throws at us!

Verse 5. He lavishly spreads a table before us.  Sin and death are defeated and we can look forward to a new life with Him in eternity.

Verse 6. We are offered a perfect dwelling place with Jesus.  In God’s house there are many rooms and He has gone to prepare a place for us – a better place – an eternal home – guaranteed!

May this beautiful Psalm touch you as you read it and may you know His comfort, His presence and His peace today and in the days ahead.
