Thursday Fellowship commenced its autumn session on 5th September with a visit by Phil Cook!

Please do consider joining us at 2pm in the Parish Room of the Holy Cross Church unless stated – we can assure you of a warm welcome! 

5th September – Phil Cook

12th September – Sue Cunningham

19th September – Beverley McArdle (BHCM Care Homes)

26th September – Graham Dawson

3rd October – Connie Croly

10th October – Claire Withams (Hospital & Ambulance Chaplaincy)

17th October – Members’ meeting

24th October – Jane Leaver

31st October – Malcolm Haines

7th November – Books Alive

14th November – Sue Cunningham

21st November – TBA

28th November – Roger Case, Rosemary & Tom Batts (Seaford Baptist Church)

5th December – Ann Dracott

12th December – Carols, Candles & Cake

For further information head to the following link:- Thursday Fellowship