We welcomed back one of our regular speakers to our meeting on the beautiful and sunny, Summer Solstice day!

After Jane’s talk last week from Ephesians about ‘putting on’ certain things and ‘clothing ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience’, Ann led us nicely into Ephesians 6 v 10-18, putting on the full armour of God.

What a delightful afternoon! Ann reminded us that we are all on active service in God’s army!  There is no time for retirement and this passage is a blue print for our training.

Ann requested a willing volunteer and Kath duly responded. Kath then with some help and much hilarity from all present, had to put on the various bits of the armour as Ann expounded some simple but profound thoughts about each piece and why each one is important and necessary for the battle we all face as soldiers of the Lord.

Belt of truth: The Word of God is our security and holds everything together.

Breastplate of righteousness: Protects our heart.  We need to love God and love others.

Shoes – Gospel of peace: Are we ready to go where God wants us to go? God has the right to send you where you need to go! Are you in a comfortable rut? We need to be active! Will you obey?

Helmet of salvation: There is no room for doubt. Protect yourself particularly your mind from unhelpful things coming in – say no!

Sword of the Spirit: This is the only attacking piece of armour.  Unlike Ann’s rusty, old poker, don’t be rusty in the Word of God – get reading! And while we are at it, let’s keep on praying in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers.

Ann reminded us that we are a forward moving army – there is no defence on our backs!

Do we look like real soldiers? Did Kath? Maybe not, but we are! We must not forget that we are on active service. Team work is required and although we are all different, we need to love, respect, trust one another and work as a unit. For some, the battle can be too much and we need to care for the wounded by being loving and forgiving to come alongside the battle weary to help restore with no judgment because ‘but there for the grace of God, go I’!

We also need to know our enemy as he will attack us when we are weak. We must focus on the campaign of setting people free from the things that bind them and not get side-tracked.  Our struggle is not against flesh and blood v 12! Jesus has already won the battle, death has been defeated, Satan conquered but we are His soldiers doing his work.

So, put on your armour every day.  Keep it in good condition and see what God will do through you.