Thursday Fellowship – Maeve Whitchurch
We so enjoyed the visit from Maeve who brought a lovely word from Hebrews 11 v 1-3, 39-40.
It is a well known passage of course focusing on those saints of old who were commended for their faith, yet none of them received what was promised as that is to come!
Maeve told us that clutching hold of promises can be hard especially when things go way beyond our experiences. She shared the story of the disciples waiting patiently for the Spirit of Truth who would come to help them after Jesus was taken up to heaven. Their whole world had been turned upside down after Jesus died. How confused, frightened and disappointed they must have been! Yet Jesus comes to them in their safe space in that upper room and promises them that it will happen – the Spirit of Truth will come. (He came ten days later at Pentecost). If God promises it then it will happen but sometimes it can take time and we have to wait patiently and have confidence in what we hope for.
Maeve encouraged us to look for rainbow moments in our lives. Sometimes in all of the clutter and chaos they can get lost! Let’s have faith, confidence and hope in what we don’t yet see believing in the One who promised because He is faithful.
We were reminded that we are Kingdom people – citizens of heaven in the here and now. God lives in us and we can see Him in each other. Let’s let the Sprit of Truth leak out of us so that this world can be changed by the beauty of God.